National Human Trafficking Hotline
(888) 373-7888


Happy 3rd Anniversary ICT S.O.S.!

Happy 3rd Anniversary ICT S.O.S.!

March 12, 2014


March 13, 2011 the Wichita Eagle published a story about a trafficking case here in our city that involved a 13 year old victim. That article changed my life and was the catalyst for ICT S.O.S. becoming the organization that it is today.

Here's a quick overview of some of the things that ICT S.O.S. has been a part of over the last 3 years:

  • Multiple awareness events including documentary screenings, speaking engagements and even a flash mob.
  • Thousands of dollars worth of donations collected including clothing, hygiene items, food and Christmas gifts for local agencies serving homeless, exploited and at-risk youth.
  • A human trafficking conference with the U.S. Atorney's office for over 450 attendees.
  • 2 Race for Freedom 5K races (3rd in planning now!)- each with over 900 runners and a combined total of over $35,000 raised for local agencies (Carpenter Place & Child Advocacy Center).
  • 2 years of our Rock The Market concert in Old Town.
  • $25,000 State Farm "Cause an Effect" grant won and donated to create additional housing at Carpenter Place.
  • Thousands of volunteer hours logged with local agencies.
  • Volunteers, donations, and coordination to get the "OZ" drop-in center up and ready to open.
  • Middle and High School curriculum available at no cost to local schools, churches and groups with the "Tell Your Friends" program.
  • A great social media presence and participation from the community to share info, spread needs and educate the public about opportunities to get involved.

And we're just getting started!

This past 3 years have FLOWN by. We have so many dedicated volunteers, donors, runners, sponsors and participants in our events. And that is what ICT S.O.S. is all about- giving EVERYONE an opportunity to fight trafficking in our city through prevention, education, resources and volunteerism. We couldnt do it without all of you!

And a special note to our board members: You have given so much of your time, talent, passion, blood, sweat and tears to this organization and to our community. ICT S.O.S. would not exist without you. You have been amazing friends and cohorts on this crazy ride and I love each of you dearly. Thank you for what you give, so unselfishly, every time a need arises. You are AMAZING!

It's been a crazy, beautiful, hard, rewarding, exhausting, and humbling 3 years. Let's keep going, shall we?

Thanks just isn't enough,

Jennifer White

Founder, ICT S.O.S.

Fighting Against Human Trafficking

ICT SOS is a grassroots non-profit, founded in Wichita, whose mission is to connect the organizations who work directly with victims of human trafficking with members of the community who are compelled to help. Through this link, our community has an outlet to donate items, raise awareness of the sex trafficking issue and educate our children about safety. Contact us today to learn how to help. Or check out our get involved page to find out how to help the victims of sex trafficking.

We invite you to help create real and lasting change in our city!
126 S. Ida Street, Wichita, KS 67211
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