National Human Trafficking Hotline
(888) 373-7888

The Great World Race

Great World Race

What is the Great World Race?

It is one of the world's hardest, most challenging race competitions—seven marathons, or 26.2 miles, on seven different continents, on seven (consecutive) days.

The first marathon takes place in Antarctica. From there, it’s off to Cape Town, South Africa, Perth Australia, and then to Istanbul, Turkey where you run one marathon in Asia, and one in Europe. The final two marathons take place in Cartagena, Columbia, and Miami Florida.

This is the ultimate test of endurance as not only do you run 183.4 miles in seven days, you also do so on very little sleep in drastically different climates and time zones.

3 Runners. 7 Marathons, 7 Days. Every Continent.

Meet Tony, Jake & Tyler. They do crazy things. For great causes.

For the last several years, Tony has supported ICT SOS through various running shenanigans. Jake joined in after interviewing Tony for a news story. Since then the two have become an inseparable team. They launched TJ’s Running to coach other runners of every level. Through it all, they use their running to serve others.

Holler out, “Coach!” and one or both of them will be right there, ready to help.

This year, they're joined by local attorney Tyler Patterson who wanted in on the fun and is driven to support the cause!
Tony Brown

Tony Brown

My name is Tony Brown. I am doing the GWR in partnership with a great friend, brother in Christ, and fellow runner, Jake Dunne. Jake has a very inspiring story, to say the least. Combine his story with my history and you have a great pair wanting to do great things for a very wonderful charity. Jake and I coach a fantastic running family. I say family because that is exactly how we see our 210+ members. Everyone in our year-round training treats each other as family. No pace is too fast or slow, no distance is too short or far. We teach that we are all equal, no matter what. Everyone supports everyone else. I have coached runners for several years and I have to say that at no time have I had so much fun, enjoyment, and love for what I do than I do right now. The GWR is just added topping to an already very sweet cake. I owe this to Jake.

This is my story:
As of March 2024, I started my 52nd year of competitive running. It was not until 1988 that I began running to support charitable organizations. It was also my first year of running marathon distances. Over the last 36 years, I have used my running to support MDA, Arthritis Foundation, Big Brothers-Big Sisters, Logan ROTC, Girls on the Run-Heart of Kansas, Wounded Warrior, and Veterans Suicide Awareness/22 Buddy Check.
Jake Dunne

Jake Dunne

My name is Jake Dunne, and I suffered a stroke on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. I could stop there and my comeback story of attempting to run seven marathons on seven continents in seven days would be a spectacular tale. However, my medical complications go back three decades to 1995 when I tore my left ACL and had the first of three ACL reconstructions. Before the third surgery in 2017, I was told my running days were over. That wasn’t the first time, nor the last time I was told to stop running. In 2002 I had posterior fossa decompression (brain surgery) to alleviate symptoms from my Arnold Chiari Malformation. My heart stopped beating during surgery, and I spent one week in ICU, and three more weeks in a hospital bed. But wait, there’s more. In 2014 I had a spinal fusion to repair herniated discs in my neck and my doctors once again suggested that I stop running among other physical activities. It’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get back up, and I want my comeback story to be an inspiration to people everywhere. Do not take no for an answer, don’t ever give up, and follow your dreams. Life is short, take full advantage of the precious time you have on this planet.
Tyler Patterson

Tyler Patterson

I'm Tyler Patterson, and while most people know me as the guy who can help you get a big check after a car wreck, when I'm not fighting for my clients, you'll find me running distances most people wouldn't want to drive. I've been blessed to complete some iconic running events around the world - the 152-mile Spartathlon across Greece, the oxygen-deprived Leadville 100 in Colorado's mountains, the scorching Javelina Hundred in the Arizona desert, and a few trips across the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Each finish has taught me that we are capable of far more than we imagine... the crazier the goal, the
more worthwhile the journey. When I first heard about the Great World Race for ICT SOS, my first thought was "that sounds absolutely insane." My second thought was "when do we start?" If there's one thing I've learned from ultrarunning, it's that the best stories come from saying yes to seemingly impossible challenges – especially when they support an incredible cause. Big events and big goals are only possible with a crew and support network by your side. The same is true for survivors of human trafficking, stalking, and abuse - they need people in their corner, cheering them on and helping them find their way to safety. Too many victims face these challenges alone, without the support system they deserve. That's why ICT SOS's work is so vital - they're building that crucial network of support, one person at a time, and creating real change in our community. By supporting this challenge, you're not
just helping me reach a goal - you're joining the crew that makes ICT SOS's life-changing work possible!

The Need

The guys will be the first Wichitans and first Kansans to compete in the Great World Race.

To get them both to the starting line we’ll need:

  • Airfare (or airline miles)
  • Registration Fees
  • Hotel Stays
  • In-kind Services to Support Training
  • Gear
  • Photo and Video Support
  • Lots of Encouragement!

The Goal


  • Registration Fees: $50,000 Each
  • Flights to Cape Town: $1,250 each
  • Hotel in Cape Town: $750
  • Hotel in Miami: $750
  • Flights Home: $250 Each
  • Documentary: $10,000
  • Raised for ICT SOS: $35,000+
    For several years someone close to me, was being used. She got hooked on drugs and then used to get money. Money of which she received minimal amounts of. At the same time, she was trying to support her children. With only the income from her being used, the life for the kids became very difficult and they were bounced back and forth between her and their father. Troubles began to mount for the boys, affecting their education as well.

   Fast forward to today, she is getting help. Even though she was being used by local people and not someone from out of town, state, or country, she was being trafficked, Trafficked for the benefit of someone else. ICT SOS really hits home for me because I can relate to their mission.

   Having gone through this; I wish I could give the organization a blank check to do everything they need to do. That is not even a possibility though. So, what can I do? Fortunately, God gave me the ability to run long distances. I then began to use what God gave me to do things few others would try, RUN.

   In 2021, I approached Jennifer White, Founder and Executive Director of ICT SOS, about raising support and awareness for the organization and proposed a yearlong event. This event was called the “5000 Mile Challenge”. It included mini events such as the 4X4X48 Challenge, a couple one hundred mile races, and even a 200-mile run that finished at the starting line for the Race 4 Freedom 5K, an ICT SOS annual event. In 2022 I ran a route parallel to one of the main trafficking routes through the state of Kansas to finish at the starting line of the Race 4 Freedom. In 2023 I helped obtain a proclamation signed by the Kansas Governor, then ran from the state capital to the Race 4 Freedom 5K, paralleling segments of the three main trafficking routes in Kansas. In 2024 I challenged myself to run seven marathons in 7 days, again finishing at the starting line for the Race 4 Freedom. In these 4 years I have supported ICT SOS in the only way I know, through my running.

   Raising support for charitable organizations has become a great challenge. Funds are tight and can be hard to obtain and 2025 will be no different. Hence, the GWR. This is an event that not many people try. Your support will mean a lot, not only to me, but thousands of others who are still being trafficked. It will also provide education to others that could prevent trafficking.

It is one of the world's hardest, most challenging race competitions—seven marathons, or 26.2 miles— on seven different continents, on seven (consecutive) days.

The first marathon takes place in Antarctica. From there, it’s off to Cape Town, South Africa, Perth Australia, and then to Istanbul, Turkey where you run one marathon in Asia, and one in Europe. The final two marathons take place in Cartagena, Columbia, and Miami Florida.

This is the ultimate test of endurance as not only do you run 183.4 miles in seven days, you also do so on very little sleep in drastically different climates and time zones.

This event will give ICT SOS, TJ’s Running, and Wichita, KS a literal world stage. As the guys train and complete this event, they will be sharing the mission to end trafficking through photos, videos, interviews, and a final film project to be shared with all who take this journey with them.

Their unwavering support of ICT SOS, the runners they train, and each other is inspiring. They deserve to do this together- as a team. And their story deserves to be told.

The financial goal is big but I believe the impact will be greater. Your support will help us get them to the start line- they’ll do the rest!

Sponsor Levels

Cheer Squad
Any Amount
Recognition on the donation page, social media & website.
Recognition on the donation page, social media & website.
Everything a 5K donor receives plus a speaking engagement to your place of business, if applicable
Half Marathon
Everything a 10K donor receives, plus your company logo on Jake & Tony’s running gear, after-party tickets for 2.
Everything a Half Marathon donor receives, plus live mentions and/or interviews during the weeklong competition, after-party tickets for 4.
Everything a Marathon donor receives plus VIP access to the after-party for 4, signage and stage mention.
Everything an Ultra donor receives plus VIP table for 8 at the after-party.
Learn More

Continental Champions

Continental Champions will also be recognized at the 2025 & 2026 Race 4 Freedom 5K events, 4x4x48 events and ICT SOS Galas

Antarctica (1 Available)
Recognition on everything 7x7x7 sponsors receive plus continent-themed table at after-party, recognition from the stage, credit in film content and VIP table at ICT SOS Gala. the donation page, social media & website.
Africa (1 Available)
Recognition on everything 7x7x7 sponsors receive plus continent-themed table at after-party, recognition from the stage, credit in film content and VIP table at ICT SOS Gala. the donation page, social media & website.
Australia (1 Available)
Recognition on everything 7x7x7 sponsors receive plus continent-themed table at after-party, recognition from the stage, credit in film content and VIP table at ICT SOS Gala. the donation page, social media & website.
Europe (1 Available)
Recognition on everything 7x7x7 sponsors receive plus continent-themed table at after-party, recognition from the stage, credit in film content and VIP table at ICT SOS Gala. the donation page, social media & website.
Asia (1 Available)
Recognition on everything 7x7x7 sponsors receive plus continent-themed table at after-party, recognition from the stage, credit in film content and VIP table at ICT SOS Gala. the donation page, social media & website.
South America (1 Available)
Recognition on everything 7x7x7 sponsors receive plus continent-themed table at after-party, recognition from the stage, credit in film content and VIP table at ICT SOS Gala. the donation page, social media & website.
North America (1 Available)
Recognition on everything 7x7x7 sponsors receive plus continent-themed table at after-party, recognition from the stage, credit in film content and VIP table at ICT SOS Gala. the donation page, social media & website.

Fighting Against Human Trafficking

ICT SOS is a grassroots non-profit, founded in Wichita, whose mission is to connect the organizations who work directly with victims of human trafficking with members of the community who are compelled to help. Through this link, our community has an outlet to donate items, raise awareness of the sex trafficking issue and educate our children about safety. Contact us today to learn how to help. Or check out our get involved page to find out how to help the victims of sex trafficking.

We invite you to help create real and lasting change in our city!
126 S. Ida Street, Wichita, KS 67211
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