National Human Trafficking Hotline
(888) 373-7888

Awareness Education Program

Not Alone: Awareness Education

ICT SOS partnered with Shattered Glass Films to create Not Alone: Exploitation Awareness. This multimedia curriculum includes video scenarios, spoken word poetry, interviews with professionals in the fields of social work, nursing, advocacy, and law enforcement. The goal is to educate youth on the issues of trafficking, exploitation, sexual assault, and consent. 

The curriculum can be scheduled in many different ways, depending on a school or group's meeting times. ICT SOS holds district approval with USD 259 to teach during Human Growth and Development and is able to be presented in any middle or high school. We also serve many surrounding districts and have taught over 14,000 students to date.


Not Alone: Exploitation Awareness is a discussion-based, multimedia awareness education curriculum taught in public middle and high school classrooms, after-school programs, youth shelters and group homes.

The curriculum is an interactive, age-appropriate presentation that seeks to define what human trafficking is, identify risk factors teens face, highlight healthy and unhealthy relationships, draw links between intimate partner violence and sex trafficking, and provide a resource guide to students. The curriculum is presented in a unique way that sparks healthy debate and encourages critical thinking, while also providing vulnerable teens with knowledge and access to services, support, and community partners.  

This curriculum, presented in a classroom setting, educates all students, regardless of gender, about their rights and resources within the community. It empowers students with the knowledge, communication skills, and community resources needed to keep themselves safe from exploitation and human trafficking while motivating them to become peer educators who will share their knowledge with their families and community.

If you would like more information about Not Alone or would like to request our team to work with your youth group, group home, or classroom, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to schedule.

Contact ICT SOS

Not Alone: Awareness Education Request

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Fighting Against Human Trafficking

ICT SOS is a grassroots non-profit, founded in Wichita, whose mission is to connect the organizations who work directly with victims of human trafficking with members of the community who are compelled to help. Through this link, our community has an outlet to donate items, raise awareness of the sex trafficking issue and educate our children about safety. Contact us today to learn how to help. Or check out our get involved page to find out how to help the victims of sex trafficking.

We invite you to help create real and lasting change in our city!
126 S. Ida Street, Wichita, KS 67211
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