National Human Trafficking Hotline
(888) 373-7888

Look For The Helpers in 2021

An ICT SOS Podcast

Look For The Helpers: An ICT S.O.S. Podcast- Episode 13

Look For The Helpers: An ICT S.O.S. Podcast- Episode 13

October 27, 2020
Where to listen:

Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central Kansas

Today the helpers we are looking to are Shelly Chinberg, Regional Area Director and Hayley Butts, Volunteer Manager of South Central Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Their mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Listen to find out how mentoring is one of the most important factors in keeping kids safe from human trafficking and 7 reasons why you should become a mentor this fall.


Shelly Chinberg, Regional Area Director

KS Bigs Facebook Page

Fighting Against Human Trafficking

ICT SOS is a grassroots non-profit, founded in Wichita, whose mission is to connect the organizations who work directly with victims of human trafficking with members of the community who are compelled to help. Through this link, our community has an outlet to donate items, raise awareness of the sex trafficking issue and educate our children about safety. Contact us today to learn how to help. Or check out our get involved page to find out how to help the victims of sex trafficking.

We invite you to help create real and lasting change in our city!
535 S. Emporia Suite 101, Wichita KS 67202
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