October Meeting Wrap-Up
Tonight's meeting was held at the future drop-in center location at 11th & Emporia.
In addition to sharing meeting time and space with the Homeless Youth Coalition, our group met separately to discuss the progress of our 3 action committees.
Resource Development is currently working on preparations for the community workday at the drop-in center location. Other topics covered were t-shirt designs, a spring awareness event, documentary screening and several donation drives for local agencies. We will also be adopting the older girls of Carpenter Place for Christmas. An ongoing need is for people to fill out the Resource Development form in preparation for the drop-in center project.
Education & Training is working on a "Train the Trainer" program to train speakers to make presentations in our community. A training date should be set by our November meeting.
Legislative & Policy is currently working on a contact list of state representatives and a form letter and phone script for contacting them with regards to human trafficking issues.
Over the next month we will have a LOT of activity. Please be sure to sign up on the left to receive our email updates.
Watch for a story on tonight's KWCH newscast about ICT S.O.S. and the upcoming Human Trafficking Converence.