Happy 2nd Birthday to ICT S.O.S.!

birthday party

It's hard to believe we're coming up on our 2nd anniversary! A lot has happened in 2 short years and we have plans for even more.

Join us Sunday March 10th from 2-5pm at Mead's Corner to celebrate! We'll have cake, door prizes, info and entertainment.

If you'd like to contribute to our lending library, you can bring a book or dvd off of our Amazon Wishlist.

AmazonHPHOr- if you would like to help us support Project Butterfly, you can bring any of the following items to Mead's Corner any time between now and party day:

Shampoo & Conditioner
Body Wash
Razors & Shave Gel
Feminine Products

Project Butterfly is a support group for survivors through the Wichita YWCA.