Child Advocacy Center/EMCU Needs List

The Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County and the EMCU have compiled a list of items they would like to have on hand in their facility for when they bring in kiddos who are in trauma. These items are not only basic necessities that the children often need but are also used to help gain trust so that kids feel more comfortable talking with officers and therapists.

Back packs – variety of sizes
Duffle bags – smaller in general
School supplies
Hygiene items – toothbrush, toothpaste, soaps, deodorant, hairbrush, comb, African-American hair products, hair products for both boys and girls, etc.
It would be great to even have some of these common items packaged in a zip lock bag.
Make-up, nail polish, lip gloss
If there are “themes” in the items, they could be bagged in a “0-5 girl, 7-11 boy, etc.” duffle bags and labeled
Socks, slippers, underwear, sports bras, flip flops
Larger blankets – for teens
Journals and pens

Bottled Water is an immediate need!

If you, your church, organization or business would like to host a donation drive for these items, please contact for more info!

You can also donate online to the CAC at: